James Miller CV

Business Analyst, Data Enthusiast, Music Producer, and Teacher.



A portfolio of works completed in different segments, including:


Academic achievements.

Personal Projects

Creative works, ranging music, installations, and performances.


Latest Blog Posts:

45 – 6/8 Learn Data Visualization Tools

In the ongoing Data Analyst Roadmap series, we’ve navigated through pivotal terrains like statistics, SQL, Python for data analysis, data manipulation, and statistical analysis. Now, entering the sixth phase, we’re delving into the area of data visualisation tools. Within the data analyst’s toolkit, the art of conveying insights is just as critical as the analytical…

44 – Optimisation 7: Excel’s Solver II

In a previous post, I outlined how you can use the ‘Solver’ add-in to optimise decision on profit based on a single-item revenue and cost structure, and the optimal mix of inputs for six products to maximise profit. Whilst hearing about one of my bosses discussing allocating people into groups recently, I was reminded about…

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